
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on marraskuu, 2017.

Outdoor learning

This morning we headed to the woods at the other end of the village to learn a bit about the different types of trees in and around our village. It was cold, so we were all wrapped up well. Our leader was Nev, who works in the woodlands, and here, he was about to give us some hot chocolate to heat us up! Apologies about the quality of the photo - the camera battery was nearly flat, and the camera shook a little when we took the picture!

Hello from Tero

Hi -  my name is Tero. I am a boy. I am eight years old. I'm in primary 4. I have blue eyes and brown hair and my favourite colour is black. I live with my mum, dad, big brother and big sister. We have two rabbits. My favourite food is pizza and my favourite drink is pepsi. I like football and rugby. I wear glasses and I play the guitar.

Joona says Hello!

Hi! My name is Joona. I am a boy., I am seven years old. I am in primary 4. I have blue eyes and brown hair. My favourite colour is red. My family includes my mum, my dad, me and my little sister. We also have a cat. My favourite food is pizza and my favourite drink is elderflower cordial. I like to play rugby.

Hello from Ville

Hello. My name is Ville. I'm eight years old and I'm in primary 4. I have green eyes. My hair is brown. My favourite colour is blue. I live with my mum, dad, brother and dog. My favourite food is fish and chips. My favourite drink is coca cola.

Hi from Alisa

Hi! My name is Alisa. I'm a girl. I'm in primary four and I'm eight years old. I have green eyes and brown hair. I like all colours of the rainbow! I live with my mum and step dad. I have two cats, five fish and a hamster. My favourite food is meatballs. My hobby is art and I like playing outside.

Aleksi says hello.

Hi - my name is Aleksi. I am a boy. I am eight years old. I'm in primary four. I have green eyes and brown hair. My favourite colour is black. I live with my mum and dad and two brothers and a dog. My favourite food is chicken nuggets and my favouriter drink is fanta. I like to ride my bike

Hi from Elina

Hello! My name is Elina. I am a girl. I am eight years old. I am in primary 4. My favourite colour is white. I have blue eyes and caramel brown hair.

Hi from Annika

Hi! My name is Annika. I'm a girl and I'm eight years old. I'm in primary 4. I have brown eyes and caramel brown coloured hair. My favourite colour is blue. I live with my mum, dad and brother. We have a cat, two fish and two chickens. My favourite food is pizza and my favourite drink is pepsi. I like to go to ballet.

Hello from Sakke

Hello. My name is Sakke. I am eight years old. I am in primary 4. I live with my mum, dad, sister and dog. My hobby is football. My favourite food is pizza. My favourite drink is fanta.

Antti says Hi!

Hi! My name is Antti. I'm eight years old and I'm a boy. I'm in primary 4. I have brown eyes and brown hair. My favourite colour is green. I have an older sister and we live with my mum and dad plus the best dog ever! My favourite food is sausage roll and I love pepsi to drink. My hob by is playing video games. 

Hi from Sami

Hello! My name is Sami. I'm eight years old and I'm in primary four. I'm a boy. I have blue eyes and my hair is black. My favourite colour is purple. I live with my mum and dad and two bigger brothers. We have two parrots. My favourite food is pizza and I like to play football and also to play the chanter.

Hello from Petteri

Hi! My name is Petteri. I'm a boy and I'm eight years old. I'm in primary 4. I have blue eyes and my hair is brown. At home I live with my mum and dad, two brothers and one sister. My favourite colour is yellow. We have two rabbits in my family. I love pizza and my favourite drink is apple juice. I like to play the piano.

Milla says Hello!

Hello! My name is Milla. I am a girl. I am eight years old. I am in primary 4. I have green eyes and blonde hair. My favourite colour is blue. I lhave a mum, a dad and one brother. We have one dog in my family. My favourite food is sandwiches and I like to drink vimto. I like to read books.

Hi from Eveliina!

Hi! My name is Eveliina. I am a girl. I'm eight years old and I'm in primary 4. I have blue eyes and ginger hair. My favourite colour is purple. I live with my mum and dad, but don't have any brothers or sisters. I have a cat, a goldfish and a hamster. My favourite food is pizza. My favourite drink is coke. My hobby is riding my bike and swimming.

Pauli says Hello!

Hello, my name is Pauli. I am 8 years old, and I'm in primary 4. I live on a farm with my mum and dad, my brother and my dog. My favourite drink is lemonade and my favourite food is spaghetti.

Hello from Susanna

Hi - my name is Susanna. I am a girl and I am eight years old. I'm in primary 4. I have blue eyes and I'm blonde. My favourite colour is turquoise. I live with my mum and dad and one brother. I have three big sisters. My favourite food is stir-fry. My favourite drink is a smoothie. I like to go swimming.

Hello from Joni.

Hi, my name is Joni. I am a boy. I am eight years old and I'm in primary 4. I have brown eyes and ginger hair. I have three big sisters and we live with my mum and dad. My favourite colours are black and green. My favourite food is tomato soup and my favourite drink is cream soda. I like to do art.

Erika says hello!

Hello, my name is Erika. I am a girl and I am eight years old. I am in primary 4. I have green eyes and I have brown hair. My favourite food is sticky toffee pudding. My favourite colour is purple. I have a mum, a step dad, a dad, a step mum, a sister and a dog. My favourite drink is iced tea. I like singing!

Hello from Mauri

Hello! My name is Mauri. I'm a boy, and I'm seven years old. I'm in primary 4. My eyes are green-blue. My favourite colour is black. I have a mum and a dad, a step dad, two little sisters and a little brother. We have a cat, a dog, seven chickens and five chicks. My favourite food is cheesy chips and my favourite drink is sprite. In my spare time I like to do archery.

Mika says Hello!

Hello, my name is Mika. I am a boy and I am eight years old. I am in primary 4. I have brown eyes and I have brown hair. My favourite colour is green. I live with my dad, my mum and my brother. I have three ducks and one cat. My favourite food is spaghetti and I like to drink 7UP (it's like lemonade). I play rugby.

Hello from Juka

Hi, my name is Juka. I am a boy and I'm eight years old. I'm in primary 4. I have green eyes and blond hair. My favourite colour is also green. I live with my mum and dad. We have a cat. I love pizza and my favourite drink is coke. I like to play football.

Hello from Timo

Hello! My name is Timo. I am a boy and I am eight years old. I am in P4. I have brown eyes and brown hair. My favourite colour is orange. I live with my mum and dad and I also have one sister. We are getting a dog soon. My favourite food is pizza and my favourite drink is 7UP. I play the piano.

Hi from Wenla

Hi, my name is Wenla. I am a girl and I am eight years old. I have brown eyes and I also have brown hair. My favourite colour is purple. I have a mum, dad and two little sisters. My favourite food is pizza and I also like coffee. My hobby is gymnastics.

Hi from Mira

Hello! My name is Mira. I am a girl and I am eight years old. I'm in primary 4. I have blue eyes and blonde hair. My favourite colour is red. I live with my mum and dad and one brother. We have one rabbit in my family. I love pizza and my favourite drink is hot chocolate. My hobby is golf.

Hello from Sami

Hello, my name is Sami. I am a boy. I am 8 years old. I'm in primary 4. I have brown eyes and brown hair. My favourite colour is black. I have a dad and a mum, two brothers and one sister. My favourite food is pasta and I like coca cola! I play football.

Hello from Aapo

Hello! My name is Aapo. I am a boy. I'm eight years old. I am in primary 4. I have blue eyes and brown hair. My favourite colour is purple. I live with my granny. I have one brother. We have a cat and two dogs. My favourite food is chocolate and I also like milk. I play football.

Jännittävä elokuva tulossa keväällä 2018 - New Crime Movie is coming in spring 2018

Elokuvakerho on tehnyt uutta tuotantoa muutaman kuukauden ajan. Yhdessä olemme kirjoittaneet juonen ja kuvattavat pätkät. Sitten olemme editoineet ja katselleet aina kerhon lopuksi sen mitä olemme saanet tehtyä. Kerholaiset ovat olleet todella innokkaita tekemään ja näyttelemään elokuvaa. Välillä tuntuu, että jännitystä on niin paljon, että itse näyttelijöitäkin hirvittää. Maailman ensi-ilta on tulevana keväänä 2018 mikäli kaikki menee suunnitellusti. Saa nähdä pystymmekö tekstittämään elokuvan englanniksi, jotta skotlantilaiset ystävämme voisivat myös nauttia elokuvasta. Shortly in English: We have a movie club in our school. We have made a new movie for about a couple of months now. We have written and edited it together. The actors have been eager and even they have been a bit scared every now and then. We don't know yet if there will be English subtitles.

Kirkonrottaa metsässä Hide-and-Seek

Koulun lähellä on mukava metsä, jossa voimme pelata Kirkonrottaa. Metsässä on paljon hyviä piiloja. We played the game Hide-and-Seek. It is nice forest next to our school. There are many good places to hide. 


Maanataina koulussamme kävi päihdevalistaja, joka kertoi meille tupakan ja nuuskan vaarallisuudesta. Oppilaat jaettiin ryhmiin ja he tutkivat annetuista materiaaleista itse asioita, jotka aiheuttavat vahinkoa sekä ihmisille ja luonnolle. Eipä heti tulisi mieleen, että tupakassa on jopa hyönteismyrkkyjä ja samoja liuottimia mitä käytetään maaleissa. Ei ihme jos tupakoitisijaa välillä yskittää.

Self by Sanni

Hi! My name is Sanni. I’m a girl. I’m 11 years old. I’m in primary 5. I have a green eyes and I’m blond. My favourite color is black. I have mom, step dad, three brothers and little sister. We have two cats in my family. My favorite food is pizza and my favorite drink is pepsi. I play the guitar.

Self by Aatu

My name is Aatu. I am boy. I am 11 years old  and i’m  in  primary 5. I have light brown hair. My favorite food is fish and pizza. My hobbies are fishing, floor ball and  skiing.

Self by Alida

Hi! My name is Alida. I am a girl. I am 11 years old. I am primary 5. My favourite color is green. My favourite food is meatballs and spaghetti. I have brown hair and green eyes. I have mommy and daddy. My hobby is riding a horse and playing the piano.

Self by Alisa

Hi! My name is Alisa. I’m a girl. I’m 11 years old and I’m in Primary 5. I have blue eyes and blond hair. I have mom and dad, a big brother and a big sister.  My hobby is crafts. I don’t have pets. My favourite food is pasta and favourite color is blue.

Self by Antton

Hi! My name is Antton. I’m a boy and I am eleven years old. I like motocross, enduro and football. My favorite food  is pasta bolognese and nuggets. I have a brother, a sister, a mom, a dad and two dogs. I have blue eyes and brown hair. I am in primary 5. My favourite colour are blue and red.

Self by Ilpo

Hi! My name is Ilpo. l am a boy. I am 11 years old and  l am in Primary 5. I have fair hair. My favourite color is red. I have a dog. Its name is Piiku. I have 4 brothers and 7 sisters.

Self by Kaapo

Hi!  My name is Kaapo. I am boy. I am 11 years old. I am in Primary 5.I have a dad, a mom, asister and a dog. I have brown hair and green eyes. My favourite food is pizza. I am short for my age. I am a happy boy. My favourite colour is pink.

Self by Jesse

My name is Jesse. I play football.My favourite colour is pink.I am 11years old. I have a mom, a dad and a dog and a sister.My favourite food is pasta. I have blond hair and green eyes.Iˋm in Primary 5 .I am quite short. Iˋm a happy boy.

Self by Lauri

Hi my name is Lauri. I play football and I like motocross  and enduro. I am 11 years old. I am a boy. I have a sister, a dad and a mom. We have a dog. I’m in Primary 5. I have blue eyes and brown hair. My favourite color is blue. My favourite food is nuggets.

Self by Miska

Hi!  My name is Miska. I am a boy. Iˋm 11 years old and I’m in Primary 5. I have fair hair. I have a sister, a brother and a dog. I have dark green eyes. Hobbies are fishing and floorball. My favourite food is pizza. My favourite colour is red.

Self by Arja

  Hi! My name is Arja.I am 11 years old .I am a girl. I am in Primary 5. I have dark brown eyes and I have red brown hair. I have a mom, a dad and a big sister. My hobby is athletics.  I had two dogs but not anymore. I don’t have a favourite food but my favourite drink is Coke.I don’t really have a favourite color.

Self by Juho

My name is Juho. I am a boy. I am in Primary 5. I am 11 years old. I have brown hair and green eyes. My family includes my dad, my mom and my sister Saimi. I live in Joroinen,  Finland.  I am interested in coding and fishing.  My favourite food is pizza and favourite color is red.

Our visit to the Scottish Parliament

Today we visited the Scottish Parliament in Holyrood, Edinburgh. We went into the Debating Chamber and spoke to an MSP (member of the Scottish Parliament).

Run a Mile

Every Friday morning, the whole school walks down to the village park, where we "Run a Mile". 1 mile = 1.6km. Here are some photos showing P4 running their mile this morning, as well as a photo showing the whole school ready to run a mile on the 6th October. You can see from the trees that the leaves are changing colour now - but it's not as cold as it has been in Kuvansi! This morning when we ran, it was 9C. P4 ready to run this morning! The whole school ready to run back on 6th October. You can see the colour of the leaves well here.

Questions from Yester P7

Hi Everyone, Here in P7 we have a few questions we would like to ask you. Cadence would like to know what kind of lessons you have at your school? This weekend here we celebrate Bonfire Night with bonfires and fireworks. Hannah would like to know if you do the same there? Jasmine would like to know if you get any extra time to play on any day of the week? We liked your snowy picture. Astrid would like to know what type of weather is most common where you live? Thanks and Happy Bonfire Night! From P7

Liikuntaa ulkona

Sää oli aurinkoinen ja valkeaa, uutta kevyttä lunta oli maassa mukavasti, jotta pystyimme pelaamaan Sudenpesähippaa. Kävimme myös katsastamassa laavun ja matkalla näimme eläimen jälkiä. Ilpo oikein tallensi kuvan itselleen. Mikähän eläin siitä oli mennyt? Olimme myös metsäpiilosta. Näetkö metsäisestä kuvasta kuka piilossa luuraa.